Here are our projects that help people around the world become independent, grow to improve their lives, and make their own way of living sustainable.
Where you are born or where you live should not determine whether you live or die. We believe it is possible to empower both women and men by encouraging economically sustainable and creative endeavors. These ideas are not unique, but we recognize that there are areas of immediate need that often fall through the cracks. Ssubi, founded in 2010, supports projects that are less likely to be funded by large organizations. Filling those gaps that are left behind. Believing in the importance of sustainability, Ssubi founder Laura Luxemburg has started projects at the Asili Health Center in rural Uganda such as the Holy Hams piggery. Recognized as a model piggery by the Minister of Agriculture. In addition, a grocery store, general store, a catering business, chicken farms and organic gardens.
Ssubi's philosophy is not limited to only address issues outside of the U.S. but in our community here in Southern California. Ssubi is Hope has opened up a local center where we act as a recycling and distribution center for surplus medical supplies and equipment through our Greening for Good program. We are bona-fide dumpster divers. Our trash is making a difference to underserved patients and health centers locally and globally.
We believe our success is primarily because of community buy in. Ssubi will not start a project unless the community believes in it and has some vested interest, whether monetarily or through a physical contribution.
In an increasingly interconnected world, what happens around the globe affects us all. In the developing countries of the world, the challenges of poverty and disease can only be met if each of us recognizes our individual responsibility as a global citizen. We must then take bold steps forward to truly make a difference. It is with this belief in our hearts and in our minds that Ssubi was founded. Together we can make a difference, but we must take the first step. Ssubi truly does mean HOPE!

Greening for Good
Ssubi is dedicated to improving healthcare and the environment. Our model is pretty straightforward and yet generates an unusual three-for one social good return on investment. We are improving access to health care across the globe by providing critical supplies and equipment to underserved populations; we are protecting our enviroment by keeping perfectly good medical surplus out of the landfills. Finally we are supporting community building by providing high impact volunteer experiences. Proving that ordinary people can and are doing extraordinry things.
We are proud to call the following Hospitals and businesses our "Champions". VA San Diego, Sharp Health Care, Vibra Hospital, Rady Children's Hospital, Hollywood Presbyterian, California Hospital, Glendale Memorial, Anaheim Global, Chapman Global, Orange County Global, Penske Truck Rental, SA Recycling, Home Depot, Aerial UHaul.
To date Ssubi has diverted well over a million pounds from our local landfills.